A summer of bushfires.
Droughts and water shortages.
Extinction of species.
The pollution of rivers and oceans, from the Parramatta River to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
And if we can believe the experts, we’re racing headlong into a climate catastrophe, where severe weather events, sea level rises and mass displacement of populations will be the norm. Despite our ‘advancements’, our modern way of life seems to be more harmful to the environment than ever before, not to mention closer to our own extinction.
With all this in mind, what principles does Islam give us in relation to the environment? What can and should Muslims be doing? How can Islam be part of the solution to lead humanity to a new kind of relationship with the natural world?
Join us for an online discussion with MYA’s Strategy Advisor, Dr Samir Mahmoud on these questions and more. Audience questions will be taken beforehand and during the event.
“He has made mountains stand firm on the earth to prevent it shaking
under you, and rivers and paths so you may find your way”
– Surah An-Nahl [16:15]