There is nothing like getting away from the busyness of city life to regroup our souls.
As the end of the year approaches and we begin to make preparations for the next year, we invite you to join sisters and Ustadha Genan Danoun in taking a moment to just pause and reflect. Reflecting is a long-time sunnah in the history of Muslims, beginning from the time of the sahabah however it seems to be lost in this time we need it most. In the crazy lifestyle of the modern world, when it’s just go go go, are we nurturing the things that really matter?
Join us for a weekend of sisterhood, activities and reflections, amongst a beautiful landscape, to grow our connection to friends, nature, our souls and Allah.
Apply by Friday 11 October; Earlier submissions will be given higher priority
Apply by Friday 11 October; Earlier submissions will be given higher priority
“He has made mountains stand firm on the earth to prevent it shaking
under you, and rivers and paths so you may find your way”
– Surah An-Nahl [16:15]