It’s only been in recent decades that large numbers of Muslims have lived in Australia. For many of us growing up here, it hasn’t always been easy. Sometimes it’s questions that can’t be answered, sometimes it’s practical problems, and sometimes it seems like our practice of Islam seems to be from another time and place. With all this in mind, how should we set our priorities as Australian Muslims? What might be our role in this country? And what can we learn from the history of Islam thriving in a myriad of cultures across time and place?
Join us for an enlightening evening on Sat 23 July where we tackle these questions with our esteemed guest speaker, Shaykh Haisam Farache.
“He has made mountains stand firm on the earth to prevent it shaking
under you, and rivers and paths so you may find your way”
– Surah An-Nahl [16:15]